Is Intelligent Document Search like GPS? DADO Debates.

Written by Kevin Soohoo | Feb 3, 2021 12:30:00 AM

During a recent conversation with a VDC Director from a large general contractor based in California, he compared DADO to GPS. Disputing the merits of intelligent search, a lively exchange ensued. He made the assertion that there is value in digging through file structures, saying, “I think DADO search is similar to GPS. When we navigate with these devices, we lose sight of the surrounding landscape.”  This debate inspires our latest post, where we discuss the similarities, i.e. pros and debate the cons between intelligent search and GPS. 



  • GPS is the perfect navigation tool to get you to your destination without detours.
  • DADO is the perfect tool to land you to the document(s) you need without  distractions.


  • GPS gives us the power to confidently get to our destination without knowing all the roads, exits, and interchanges.
  • DADO gives us the power to find a document without knowing the folder structure.


  • GPS offers related stops that you might need along your journey.
  • DADO search can offer relevant and/or related documents in addition to the one you need.

DADO debates the CONs:


  • GPS: Local knowledge plays a huge factor when traveling. Relying on GPS technology opens up the opportunity to miss out on useful information for your journey.
  • DADO:  Overlooking useful information when using DADO’s intelligent search is impossible. More often than not, information is incorrectly filed in the wrong folder, only to be found in another subfolder 3 levels deeper. DADO search effectively flattens the folder hierarchy by searching not by folder or filename, but by the contents within via OCR.


  • GPS: GPS is distracting. When you mess around with your smartphone or device attempting to adjust a destination, key data, or alter the settings, it can be a recipe for disaster.
  • DADO: A typical day on the jobsite already comes with its fair share of distractions, and, most of us would agree, we don’t need “another app” to do the job. But, what if this new app can literally save you from texting or emailing someone else on your team to get the latest info because you can now get it yourself, instantly, using  your voice?


  • GPS: For maximum accuracy, GPS relies on at least 4 signals. The thinking is that the more sources it can triangulate the more accurate it will be.
  • DADO:  Most projects depend on 3 or more sources, i.e your clients and project partners. Without this, project teams would not be able to see the entire picture, and as a result blindspots are ever present. DADO was conceived on the premise that more is better and, like GPS, the power of DADO is much greater when you can feed multiple sources to our search.

Do you believe there is value in digging through deep file structures? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. 

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