DADO Intelligent Search Tackles Lean Construction

Intelligent search is a new paradigm reducing waste of time and effort to provide greater project value. If you are familiar with lean construction, you know that it is a holistic pursuit of continuous improvements in many dimensions found in the built environment including design, building, and maintenance. Based on this premise, it could be said DADO is tackling lean construction with intelligent search. In this DADO post, we make the case that intelligent search reduces waste and ensures continues improvement in the built environment.

A New Paradigm For Search

According to Koskela’s theory of production in construction, DADO is aligned with a project-based management paradigm by offering an intelligent search solution ensuring transformation, flow, and value.

  • Incorporating Intelligent Search into design, construction, and maintenance activities is transformative, i.e. input into outputs are positively and dramatically improved and more efficient.
  • DADO’s Intelligent Search enables an uninterrupted flow of work allowing project teams to find the right information at the right time.
  • DADO delivers value. More specifically, the client is actually paying for the design, construction, and occupation of an operational facility, not for the time it takes to find information.

DADO Intelligent Search

Intelligent Search Reduces Waste

Lean Construction is a “way to design production systems to minimize waste of materials, time, and effort in order to generate the maximum possible amount of value," (Koskela et al. 2002[1]). Based on this premise, we argue DADO is a system designed to minimize waste of time and effort to generate maximum value.

The following describes how DADO provides value during design, construction, and maintenance phases:


 Intelligent search…

  • Allows you to find files across multiple cloud platforms instantly.
  • Ensures all project team members are able to find the latest drawings and specifications.
  • Assists in locating updated information on the RFIs, Bulletins, and ASIs quickly.
  • Locates activity in real-time to ensure accountability.


Intelligent search… 

  • Ensures the entire team easily finds and accesses project information from the office into the field.
  • Locates and accesses the files you need instantaneously.
  • Eliminates the time spent on locating the latest drawings and specifications.
  • Finds and tracks bid documents more efficiently.
  • Locates submittal packages.
  • Finds the current status of submittals.
  • Connects teams by finding the latest project updates.
  • Instantly finds and initiates RFIs.
  • Instantly find and share information from the field.


 Intelligent search…

  • Easily locates building data.
  • Easily locates O&M instructions.
  • Empowers a more targeted building operation by being able to easily find the information to support the owner/occupants needs.

Do you believe intelligent search creates an environment for continuous improvement at all project phases? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.